"Spreading our wings to carry hope where it’s needed most."
The Under The Wing program is designed to empower mission-driven organizations by taking them "under our wing" and providing essential administrative services, allowing nonprofits to focus on what matters most—fulfilling their mission. Many nonprofits face challenges in managing complex administrative tasks such as financial oversight, human resources, legal compliance, and fundraising. This program bridges this gap by offering cost-effective, high-quality support in key areas critical to sustainable growth and operational excellence. Through a commitment to shared success, Under The Wing ensures that organizations have the tools and resources they need to thrive.
This program provides safe, reliable transportation to economically vulnerable families and individuals who are referred to us by one of our partner agencies. We understand that reliable transportation in Montana is a vital component for self-sufficiency, the care of children, stable employment, and the pursuit of education.
Flight Home Grants The cost associated with adoption scares a lot of hopeful adoptive parents at first glance. And that’s understandable — the process can be expensive. Most experts agree that one of the principal barriers to adoption is the expense. Our Adoption Grant Program is designed to help families complete their adoption and bring their children home by covering the cost of the home study. We partner with several placing agencies in Montana to ensure home study grants are provided for families that need them most.
With our Skybound Relief program, volunteer teams connect directly with organizations and individuals in distressed countries to solve real problems as intelligently and inexpensively as possible. Our teams have provided wheelchairs for disabled children, replaced roofs on homes and barns, replaced heating systems, provided educational materials, vehicles, clothing, winter gear, shoes and boots, food, baby supplies, medicine and vitamins to shelters, orphanages, foster families, and the disabled. We have even helped establish social enterprises that fill a need and at the same time fund the local humanitarian work being done in that area. Our dedicated teams always evaluate the need being presented and do their best to help with a long-term solution. These teams work alongside U.S. embassies, local governments, organizations such as the Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse and many other non-profit organizations.
Our Story Perch program provides parenting and children's books to families in Montana, giving them tools and information to better equip them for the most important job in the world, raising children. Proper parenting along with reading to children serves as a catalyst for healthy childhood development.